Becoming A Better Singer

Becoming A Better Singer

So, I did what everyone else would have done; I searched the internet to find tips on how to sing better. Unfortunately, what I found were just the basics. None of those that I found was of any help at all. What I needed were some real advice and workable steps to become a better singer.

I found some online singing lessons. I wanted to become the perfect singer, so I was determined to try out every one of these online courses.

The Superior Singing Method by Aaron Anastasi was the one that stood out the most at first. (Find out more about it here).

I couldn’t find any decent reviews about it, but I decided to check it out and bought it. I was sure glad I did! (It offers a 60-day money back guarantee making it a risk-free investment).


Why Aaron Anastasi’s Online Singing Course Is The Best



  • One-Time Payment of $97, or
  • Three-Time Payment of $39.95

Course Duration:

  • 60 Days (8 Weeks)
  • 8 Modules Plus 2 Bonus Modules
  • 4 Supplementary Bonus Courses


  • Easy To Access Online Course with Real-Life Support
  • Audio Exercises are Downloadable (You can take them with you wherever you go)
  • Exclusive Vocal Exercises (You won’t find them anywhere else)
  • Easy Payment Option with 60 Day Money Back Guarantee (Risk-Free)
  • $119.80 Worth of Free Bonuses
  • com READERS can avail of FREE EXCLUSIVE BONUS (Find out about this free offer below)

Want to try out the Superior Singing Method with no risks at all? Click here

vocal singing lessons


  • A Lot of Materials to Go Through (This can be quite overwhelming)
  • Requires Regular Practice (Simply watching the videos won’t make you sing like Mariah)
  • Need to Watch Videos More Than Once to “Get It”

This Course Will Work Best If…

  • You are willing to learn even if you can’t sing
  • You want to master your voice even if you can sing naturally
  • You have difficulty hitting high notes and want to learn how to do it properly
  • You want to have better voice control
  • You want to project your voice by having more vocal prowess

Click Here to Buy the Superior Singing Method

Your Free Exclusive Bonus

You will get a free e-book if you buy Superior Singing Method through any of the links at Written by PBE Music, this free e-book will give you all the information you need on how to jumpstart your career as a professional singer and become successful.

This book’s title is How To Become a Singer or Rapper: The Ultimate Starters Guide. This guide will provide you with real-world information about how to write and record your songs, promote your music, go on tour, and make money. It will also provide you information on the reality about major record label deals.

If you are an aspiring singer, this is bombshell information that you need to read.

Simply follow the instructions below:

  1. The Most Crucial Process: Clear your web browser’s cache and cookies (failure to do this may result to non-registration of your purchase with our site). Check out how to do this process here.
  2. Click here to buy the Superior Singing Method – Save all relevant information such as your receipt number and invoice/order number.
  3. Send us an email (oz [at] deviant noise [dot] com) with your name, email address, and order/invoice number.
  4. You will receive the free bonus within 24-48 hours!

Easy, right? All you have to do is follow these instructions, and you will get some of the most valuable information you need to become a professional and successful singer.

Now, back to our review…

A Personal Experience with Superior Singing Method

Although I’m writing for a website that provides information about singing betterright now, I was not a great singer initially. Well, I thought I could sing. I always used to sing in my bedroom, in the shower, in my car; I sing wherever I was and whenever I could. I just loved it. Family and friends told me that I was a natural born singer.

But I Wasn’t

Then one day, I realized that if I want to become a real singer, I should start making my music and find a producer. I sent a vocal audition to a producer who was in search of new artists. He gave his assessment, which served as a huge wake-up call.

They said that I had no real control over my voice, my vocal transitions were poor, and I was off pitch when hitting high notes. At one point, he even wrote that I sounded like a squawking bird. That sucked.

To Ensure You Never Have To Go Through That, Click Here

Becoming A Better Singer

So, I did what everyone else would have done; I searched the internet to find tips on how to sing better. Unfortunately, what I found were just the basics. None of those that I found was of any help at all. What I needed were some real advice and workable steps to become a better singer.

I found some online singing lessons. I wanted to become the perfect singer, so I was determined to try out every one of these online courses.

The Superior Singing Method by Aaron Anastasi was the one that stood out the most at first. (Find out more about it here).

I couldn’t find any decent reviews about it, but I decided to check it out and bought it. I was sure glad I did! (It offers a 60-day money back guarantee making it a risk-free investment).

Great Progress

With just a few days of practicing the vocal exercises in the Superior Singing Method, I could say that my singing improved tremendously. The notes I could now sing were so much better than before. That was great progress.

I always thought I was on pitch but after trying out this course, I realized how mistaken I was.

There was a huge difference when I started training my voice properly.

Want to Make a Huge Difference In Your Voice? Click here

In my opinion, the best thing about the course was the fact that the vocal exercises featured here are exclusive to the Superior Singing Method.

The vocal exercises are designed specifically by Anastasi to enable users to sing the correct way by training your voice properly. These are extraordinary and remarkable vocal exercises.

Aside from these advantages, there were other reasons why I opted to buy the Superior Singing Method first. The 60-day money back guarantee serves as an assurance that if I didn’t improve after the 60-day course, I could get my money back.

The guarantee made sure that I would not waste my hard-earned money on a vocal training that would not help me become a better singer.

There were nothing spectacular about the included bonuses but if you were getting more than what you’re paying for, that’s still something great. The free bonuses include:

  1. How To Sing Harmony (This video features a two-time Grammy award-winning producer)
  2. Complete Guide to Performing Live
  3. Guide to Music Marketing (It will teach you how to market yourself and make money with your singing)
  4. Superior Singing Vocal Training Manual

The How To Sing Harmony video was my favorite among the free bonuses. Although I forgot the producer’s name, he’s great.



vocal singing lessons

My Recommendation


I consider the Superior Singing Method to be one of the best investments I ever made to improve my voice. SSM was the first vocal training I tried, and I thought it was all I ever needed. My voice improved so much that I felt like this could have been my last singing course, but I was craving to learn more. (It’s always great to continue learning)

I highly recommend this course for every single person (beginners and experienced singers alike) who wants to learn how to sing better. When it comes to pitch, tone, vocal range and other aspects of singing, this course will help you out and take you to the next level. It was of great help for me and I’m sure it will be the same for you too.

Buy The Course and Improve Your Voice by Clicking Here, Results Guaranteed

More About The Superior Singing Method

For those who want to learn how to sing and for those who want to become a better singer, the Superior Singing Method is a great course. Professional singer and renowned vocal coach Aaron Anastasi developed this course. He did a great job of putting together some different lessons within the course. These lessons are broken down into different sections that are designed to help you improve one-step at a time.

The Member’s Area

Once you made your purchase, you will be given access to the private member’s area instantly. To have an idea of what the member’s area looks like inside, here’s a couple of screenshots:

All your bonus content can be accessed through this page too. To get to the actual main vocal course, simply click on the big green “Access” button under Superior Singing Method.

The introduction video will let you know how to use the course best. On the right-hand side of the screen, you can access the different course modules (learn more about the course modules below).

Just below the introduction video, you will see an option to download that lesson’s vocal exercises. One set of exercises is designed particularly for male vocalist and another set for female vocalists (Isn’t that great?)

How Does It Work?

You have to work through the modules one by one. You need to practice for a while before you move onto the next module. The course duration is about eight weeks, but you will start to see improvements much sooner than that, just like I did.

Aaron demonstrates how the exercises are supposed to be done and explains them in detail. The additional explanation allows you to start doing them right away, in the correct way, without needing much assistance.

You can download these vocal exercises as MP3s so can take them with you wherever you go. You can also just fire them up in your laptop, listen to them, and practice along.

Since one set is for male singers and another set is for female singers, this vocal training will work best for those who want to learn how to sing or to improve their singing voice. On one hand, male vocalists usually need to warm up longer because they have a much wider vocal range within their chest voice compared to females.

One the other hand, female vocalists have a wider range when using their head voice.

Will It Really Work?

I know what you’re thinking. It may be difficult to perform the vocal exercises without somebody there to help you. The uncertainty could even interfere with your learning. Surprisingly, doing the exercises on your own is not a hindrance at all.

Here’s what I did: I downloaded the exercises before watching the videos or while watching them. Downloading them like that was a great help. Once I went through all the materials, I was able to perform the exercises properly without needing much assistance.

I was able to perform them better because Aaron goes through all the details during the vocal exercises. I have never seen this type of teaching method in other online singing courses. The way Aaron performs the exercises with you in the recording helps to make you feel more confident in the way you are performing the exercises by yourself.

Still, Wouldn’t A Real Life Voice Coach Work Better?

At first, I had the same thing in mind but I was mistaken. Aside from what I had already mentioned here, the Superior Singing Method includes a system that enables you to ask the professionals questions or clarifications.

Aaron is there to come to your aid. There is a special section under each daily lesson where you can ask questions. If you are having trouble with a certain lesson, or you are not sure if you are doing things right, Aaron is there to help you out.

Don’t hesitate to shoot him an email and Aaron will reply to you directly. The help system also shows you all the different questions already asked by other students and the answers that were given. Just browse through them and your questions might have been answered already. You might not need to ask for help, after all.

All of these great features makes the Superior Singing Method a great self-learning and self-sufficient online singing course.

More About Aaron Anastasi

Aaron Anastasi is a professional singer and an accomplished vocal coach. Hundreds of people improved their singing voices with the help of Aaron. The videos included in the Superior Singing Method showcases his vocal coaching style.

He uses both video and audio lessons to teach you how to sing better. You can take daily lessons, which consist of one video each. You also need to perform several vocal audio exercises along with each lesson.

The videos featured are of great quality shot by professionals. The lesson explanations happen verbally and visually as well. I loved that.

What to Expect?

When you get into the member’s area, you will see the different voice lessons organized into different modules. One module is worth one week of lessons – one lesson for each day of the week and a one-day break. However, there are some exercises for each lesson.

Overall, you have to go through 31 audio vocal lessons and about 49 videos. Now, 80 lessons seems like a lot, but I strongly discourage skipping through any lessons. There’s a lot of work to be done. You may be missing out on some valuable information if you skip through one of the audio tutorials or videos.

The Course Breakdown

Here’s a detailed list of all the different modules

Module 1:

The first module serves as an introduction to the whole course. It takes you through the different lessons and exercises that you have to do so it is essential that you watch the video. Furthermore, it serves as a guide in setting up a timetable and practice schedule.

The first lesson during week one will be warm-up exercises. It will teach you the proper way of warming up your voice before singing. You have to be patient as you go through the exercises. Skipping through the first few different lessons will not be a great idea.

First, read through any instructions and go over the videos. The things you will learn in the first lessons will help you through the next lessons. On the sixth day, you will be practicing all the exercises and techniques you learned in the previous five lessons.

Module 2:

The second module discusses everything about managing your breath. You will learn how to control your breathing properly during week 2. It contains a variety of breathing techniques and exercises, which are taught by Aaron. Since there will be something added or taken away for each day of this week, it is essential that you go through every lesson.

For your breath management, you will learn about five different exercises. You will also continue to practice what you learned in the previous week’s lessons.

Module 3:

The third module is all about improving your vocal tone. Module 3 will give emphasis on how to use your soft palate the right way. This module will also help you try to eliminate any nasal cavity problems you might have will singing. Since the nose resonates naturally, your nasal cavity affects your vocal range.

Do you sometimes sound like you have a cold, or your nose is tightened up? Aaron will teach you how to overcome this problem during the 3rd week of this program.

Module 4:

During week 4, you will learn all the important factors about pitch. Learning how to sing on pitch is necessary if you want to become a professional singer. Autotune will no longer do the trick. A natural talent always shines through, and that is what everybody wants.

Being pitch perfect is about singing perfectly, so it is important to pay attention to this week’s lessons. Aaron will show you many new singing techniques in this module. Some of the things you will learn are:

  • Sliding
  • Muscle memory
  • Mumbling while you talk
  • A whole bunch other stuff

Learning all these new techniques can be quite difficult to get the first time around. Just keep on practicing these techniques and you will eventually get it. One of the causes of being off pitch while you sing is mumbling while you talk. You will learn different exercises to combat this during week 4.

Module 5:

During the 5th week of the Superior Singing Method, you will learn all about resonance and power. Singing with a powerful voice is not necessarily all about volume. It is all about getting your voice out there and catching the listeners’ attention. How you use your tongue and mouth as you sing has a lot to do with power and resonance. Aaron will teach you about the proper tongue placement and voice resonance within your mouth.

Module 5 contains many new singing exercises. Aaron will also provide you with a thorough explanation as to why he is getting you to do all these different exercises and techniques. Always remember to go through everything for you not to miss any of the great stuff.

Module 6:

In module 6, you will learn all about how to sing high notes, how to mix different vocal styles, and how to use different vocal techniques. By week 6, I guarantee that you will love the course even more. Your voice will also sound so much better than the way you sounded before starting the course.

It happened to me when I first got to this point. It is normal to have some difficulty during the first five weeks so no need to worry. Just stick with it and you will be surprised with the major improvements in your voice.

Singing with your head voice, singing with your chest voice and bringing them together in harmony are some of the techniques you will learn in Module 6. Blending these two different voices together and transitioning smoothly from one voice to the other are some of the important aspects you want to learn to become a better singer.

You’ll learn all the different techniques you can use to do this in this module.

Module 7:

Module 7 will teach you all about vocal agility. Vocal agility is something that every great singer possesses. You must be able to transition from one note to another while preventing your voice from cracking.

This week’s lessons will concentrate on doing vocal runs and mastering different notes. You will learn various techniques that will allow you to hit the right notes perfectly.

Module 8:

Module 8 is the last module in this course. Well, it’s not the last module because there are supplemental courses included in the Superior Singing Method. It is, however, the last content in the main course. By the 8th week of this course, I guarantee that you will have a great voice, and you will wish there will be eight more modules.

This module is all about advanced vocal techniques and voice strengthening exercises to help take your voice to the next level. If you have been practicing diligently throughout the entire course, you will likely see great progress in your singing voice by this point.

Having a vocal course like this will also take your self-confidence to the next level. Your voice will sound so much better after the course that it will boost your self-confidence in singing.

In my case, I felt as if I could join any singing competition or perform in a live show without fearing that my voice will crack, or I will not hit the right notes. I felt like I am a great singer. In module 8, you will also learn a few more things about

  • Falsetto
  • Vibrato
  • Strengthening your chest and head voice

Additional Content

As mentioned above, the superior singing method vocal course includes bonus courses to help you sing better.

The supplemental content in this course comes with a 124-page manual that will tackle everything you need to learn about becoming a professional singer. Although it does not get into details about the business side of things, Aaron discusses thoroughly how to strengthen your voice and how to do the different vocal techniques.

Remember, music comprises half of the music business. Being able to create great music is necessary. The Superior Singing Method helps singers like us to ensure that our music will be exceptional.

This manual works hand in hand with the entire course. Instead of going through the entire course first then going through the manual, I suggest that you take the time to do both of them together. I did this, and it helped me tremendously.

Here are some of the singing aspects included in the manual

  • Posture,
  • breath management,
  • nasality,
  • resonance,
  • vocal registers,
  • intonation
  • vibrato, and
  • vocal health

Bonus Modules

If you purchase the Superior Singing Method, you will also get a whole lot of bonus modules.

Module 9:

This bonus module is all about live performance. Overcoming stage fright and performing at your best are some of the things you will learn in this module. Everyone gets the jitters when we are on stage. I have been singing on stage for some years now, and I still get nervous. This module contains different strategies to help you overcome stage fright and shine as you perform live.

Module 10:

Module 10 is all about music marketing. Although Aaron does not go into detail about the business side of things in the main vocal course, this bonus module will show you how to promote your music and how to make money from it.

Monetizing your music is something you need to learn about at one point in your career, so this module serves as a great supplemental piece. Superior vocal health is another aspect that is in this module. This PDF manual will teach you the proper ways of taking care of your voice. You want always to stay singing and not lose the voice that you have worked on and developed through this course.

More Bonuses!

Aside from the bonuses already mentioned above, you will also get a manual called superior high notes. Nine video lessons with seven different exercises are in this bonus course. It also comes with a PDF manual that you can read as you go through the lessons.

Finally, another manual called superior vibrato comes as a bonus. The 12 page manual on how to use vibrato vocal techniques. The book will help make your song and your singing voice sound so much better.

Final Thoughts

The Superior Singing Method is one impressive online vocal training lesson. In my opinion, it is one of the best. I have taken different singing lessons, and I will have my reviews posted here. By far, the Superior Singing Method is one of the best I have ever seen and tried (see our reviews on Singorama and HearAndPlay Vocal Mastery as well).

Aaron Anastasi is a professional and renowned voice coach. He uses and teaches amazing techniques that will help improve your singing voice dramatically. For someone who is just starting out or someone who wants to improve their existing singing voice, this high-quality product is a must.

How Much It Costs

After I have finished the entire course, I felt like I can sing any song in any note and chord. I had the confidence to take on more songs that are difficult to sing. Since I felt like I could handle any song, I was able to write songs that challenged my vocal ability. The Superior Singing Method is worth $97 but what I got was more than my money’s worth.

If you feel like $97 is a bit too expensive, you have the option to make three payments of $39. When you purchase this product, the support that you get is of high quality. What you will get are great lessons with helpful exercises that will make your voice sound so much better.

Whether you are looking for a vocal coach but cannot afford one, or you are looking for online singing lessons, the Superior Singing Method will truly help improve your singing voice. Buying this product and going through the course diligently is highly recommended.

How To Make It Work

Doing all the exercises will make it work effectively for you. Buying it and just letting it sit on your computer will be of no help at all. To start singing like a pro fast, buy the course and go through all the lessons. Two months is a short period to develop from not being able to hit a tune to singing like a professional.

So, what do you think? Let me hear your thoughts about this course. To give you more insight, here is an awesome video from Aaron that explains what’s new with the course. If you seriously want to become a better singer fast, I highly recommend that you pick up your copy of Superior Singing Method




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